Delta Scalar Energy Therapy
Scalar Energy The newest proven way to heal!

Anxiety ~ Angsten.


Het aangaan van een hele sessie aan psychotherapie met ellen lange gesprekken en pijnlijke confrontaties met het verleden. Tranen, weer geconfronteerd worden met momenten waar je echt niet meer geconfronteerd wil worden. want het zijn- of waren angsten welke een ongelofelijke impact op jouw als persoon hebben gehad/ nog hebben. Pijnlijk en ouderwets.

Entering into a whole session of psychotherapy with endless conversations and painful confrontations with the past. Tears, being confronted again with moments where you really don't want to be confronted anymore. because they are or were fears that have had / still have an incredible impact on you as a person. Painful and old fashioned.

Nu kan het met Scaler energy op een manier welke past bij deze tijd, zonder te praten kan het zeer goed behandeld worden.

Anxiety is as widespread in our modern world as a cold. Therefore, we must detect and address it as soon as possible. This article will provide some information on anxiety.
What Is Anxiety?
Anxiety is an emotional state characterized by worry and uneasiness in the presence of uncertainty, possible threats, or sources of distress. It is not an illness, although it can be a sign of a mental problem in some circumstances.
Symptoms & Causes
If you experience any of the following symptoms, you are most likely anxious.
Too much worry.
Difficulty Sleeping.
Many reasons can lead to anxiety, such as:
Genetics: Anxiety disorders can occur in families.
Brain chemistry: Some research suggests anxiety disorders may be linked to faulty circuits in the brain that control fear and emotions.
Environmental stress: This refers to stressful events that you have seen or lived through. They are often linked to anxiety disorders, including childhood abuse and neglect and the death of a loved one.
How Is Anxiety Treated?
There are many strategies for managing anxiety. In general, if people want to alleviate their anxiety symptoms, they should avoid caffeine or alcohol, which can aggravate anxiety. A healthy lifestyle is also necessary for controlling anxiety. When anxiety worsens, it is essential to ask a professional psychotherapist or a doctor for help.
Here are some tips:
Maintain a healthy sleep routine of 7 to 8 hours per night.
Relax, try mindfulness meditation or deep breathing techniques.
Regular exercise or yoga may help reduce stress and improve mood.
Make good food choices to support the body and mind, such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
How Can Scalar Energy Aid Anxiety?
If you are concerned about the possible negative effects of medication, or if you’re afraid that changing your diet will be insufficient, you can try Spooky2 Scalar.
Spooky2 Scalar can help ease a variety of health issues by sending therapeutic scalar energy to your body. When your energy balance is restored, your body and mind will improve naturally. There are three methods to choose from: pure scalar, molecular scalar, and Rife scalar. You can choose the one that best meets your requirements.
If you are new to Spooky2, we suggest you use pure scalar. It is the easiest way to apply healing scalar energy. You don’t need to do anything complex but tune Spooky2 Scalar and then sit or lie between the transmitter and receiver. Pure scalar energy then flows between the lids and works for you.
A Review from Our Customer
Many users compliment our products after using Spooky2 Scalar. For example, this customer who suffered from severe sadness and anxiety has experienced positive outcomes with Scalar.
